Divination: Solstice Magic - Divination Ritual
Jun 20, 2024
By Melanie Paquette
June heralds the arrival of the Summer Solstice, a time when the sun reaches its zenith.
The Summer Solstice is one of the four points in the year where we achieve a momentary stillpoint – the sun is at its peak for just a moment and then continues its movement. We commonly celebrate this day as the beginning of summer, a time of light and warmth. This sacred day is not only a time for festivities and honouring the sun but also a powerful moment for divination.
Our ancestors understood the solstice as a turning point, marking the balance between light and dark as the days begin to shorten, and we welcome the return of the dark.
Divination has been a cornerstone of folk wisdom for centuries, providing guidance, insight, and connection to the unseen forces that influence our lives.
The Summer Solstice, with its potent energy, is an especially auspicious time for divination.
As the sun stands still, so too can we pause to seek clarity and direction. Traditional solstice divination practices draw on the heightened spiritual energy of this day, offering glimpses into the future and deeper understanding of the present. Performing a ritual around the time of the solstice is a powerful way to gain insights that will help us shape our personal destiny.
Ritual, like any form of divination, requires a strong intention.
I wondered what sort of intention could be in greatest resonance with the cycle at Summer Solstice. I sat with that wondering for a while, feeling into the vibrations of the last couple of weeks, and reflecting on the conversations I’ve had with others during this time.
A theme started to take shape – energy.
It’s been an active year so far – lunar eclipse, solar eclipse, solar flares, interesting weather – there’s a lot going on. And almost everyone I’ve talked to has shared the sense of fluctuating energy levels – tons of energy one day, barely able to stay awake the next. Everyone wants to make the most of summer, and we’ll need a ready supply of energy to draw on to make that happen, especially in a year that’s already been as energetically active as this one has been so far.
So, I’ve crafted a ritual designed to help you Ignite Boundless Energy to carry you through the active summer months. You can perform the ritual at any time – doing it as close to the day of the Solstice as possible will give you the most powerful insights.
This ritual primarily uses plant and stone casting. Casting herbs and stones is a folk divination method that combines natural elements with intuitive reading. Find a small pouch (a paper bag or even a plastic sandwich bag will do if that’s what you have), and collect a variety of plants and stones. If you have herbs and stones in your home or garden, you can use them. If you’re collecting items outside, make sure removing items from whatever location you choose is permitted, and always remember to ask permission from the spirits of place before you break off a piece of a plant or remove a stone. You can ask energetically – feel the response in your body. If you know the names of the herbs and stones you’ve chosen, make note of them. You’ll also need a small candle – ideally red, orange or yellow. Tea lights or chime candles are great options. Make sure you have a candle holder, or something to place the candle on. You’ll also need a lighter or matches, a journal or paper, and something to write with – ideally a red pen or marker.
It’s ideal to perform this ritual outside, but if the weather is uncooperative or you don’t have access to an appropriate outdoor space, you can choose a quiet place inside where you will be uninterrupted.
Find a comfortable place to sit and designate the space as sacred. If you’ve done rituals in the past, you may already have a way of opening sacred space. If not, you can do this by imagining yourself sitting in the centre of a circle of protection and calling to the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to join you in the circle and aid in your divination ritual. Sit in meditation for a few moments, focusing on your breath, and the intention to discover how to ignite boundless energy to help you through the summer months and the transition to darkness. Once you feel ready, use the stones you’ve collected to create a circle of stones in front of you. Then, use the red pen or marker (if you don’t have red, use whatever you have) to copy the symbol in the image associated with this article onto a small piece of paper. Place the paper in the centre of the stone circle. If it’s windy, you can anchor the paper with a stone. Place the candle next to the paper (but far enough away to avoid setting it on fire), restating your intention to discover how to ignite boundless energy. Next, sprinkle the herbs and any remaining stones inside the circle while continuing to focus on your intention. Again, make sure to use caution around the flame.
Observe the patterns formed by the herbs and stones. Their placement, clusters, and shapes can reveal answers and guidance. Consider the following:
- What is your eye drawn to first, and why? This is a clue to the inherent strengths that will help you realize your intention.
- What shapes do you see? Shapes can have meaning – you can look them up to get further insights. If you see the shape of an animal, you can discover the medicine of that animal.
- Do you notice any patterns in the clusters of herbs and stones, such as similar colours or textures grouped together? Colours can indicate the type of support and/or area of your body that will need (or give) the most support. Looking up the colours associated with each chakra can help clarify these messages.
- Are the items spread evenly within the circle, or grouped into specific areas? An even distribution can mean that you’ll have a consistent level of energy, whereas groupings can indicate that you can expect to experience notable ebbs and flows. I typically read from left to right to get a sense of timing of any ebbs and flows.
- Are there specific herbs or stones that are more prevalent than others? You can look up the medicine of those herbs or stones to help understand the support you need.
- What landed outside of the circle? This could be an indication of what you lack or may need to call in.
- Did anything get left behind in the pouch? This could be an indication of what you need to release.
- What is the candle flame doing? Is it holding steady, flickering, leaning in a particular direction? Did it stay lit? The activity of the flame can also be an indicator of whether to expect consistent energy, or ebbs and flows.
- What is going on around you? Do you hear any birds or animals? Did the wind pick up at any point? Has the sky changed – cleared up or clouded over? Did the weather change? Were you interrupted by anyone? The level of activity and changes around you could be an indication of what to expect in the months to come, and how outside influences will affect you.
Write down everything you notice in your journal. Once you feel the ritual is complete, extinguish the candle. Put the symbol into the pouch. You can put the stones and herbs back into the pouch if you like, or leave them as offerings to the land if you feel called.
Thank the elements and spirits of place for helping you with your ritual before you leave the space.
For the next several days or even weeks, write down anything you notice in your journal – you never know what might be relevant. Remember that divination is a process. Things that don’t make sense now may become completely clear later, and things that seem obvious now may turn out to be a totally different message than you thought. The ongoing process of journaling and reviewing your notes will help you gain greater insights.
If you feel the need to renew your intention, find a quiet place, put the symbol you drew during the ritual in front of you (or re-draw it) and light the candle (or fresh one if you need to). Gaze on the symbol as you sit and focus on your breath. You can do this as many times as you feel called.
By reclaiming these simple folk divination practices, we honour the wisdom of our ancestors and deepen our connection to the rhythms of nature. Summer Solstice is a time of profound transformation and illumination. Remember your sacredness, embrace this turning point, and let the ancient magic of divination illuminate your path.
Blessed Solstice, and may your divinations bring clarity and light to your journey.
Melanie hosts workshops and offers Tarot readings. Check out her offerings on our website.