Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth

ancient wisdom Jun 20, 2024

Ninth Wave Arts welcomes Zacciah Blackburn of Sunreed, an accomplished and gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing, shamanic traditions and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally and practices in Vermont, USA, at Sunreed Center

We are sharing his wisdom through a series of articles. This one is continued from last month. Please check out our blog to see the ongoing series Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth.

Gateways of Consciousness

by Zacciah Blackburn

Gifts of the Earth and Ways of Knowing are accessed through what I shall call Gateways. And, while it is not uncommon for there to be some form of literal "gateway" we enter when we work with Ancient Earth Sites, these are, in their fundamental nature, Gateways of Consciousness, which may or may not be apparent to our normal way of perceiving.

Once we understand that all things are Living, and that all is Living Energies, or Consciousness, and once we understand that all consciousness is vibrational in nature, we have done much of our work. But this is something we must understand viscerally, not just cognitively, in order to understand it. We must not only understand the fundamental nature of Consciousness, we must enter Living Relationship, with right attitude, with the Living Consciousness of those things, and Realms, with which we wish to enter relationship. We must, fundamentally, become masters of Living Consciousness, in order to gain access in any actuality.

And in order to do this, we must become masters of our own Consciousness. Though this can be attained instantaneously, for most of us, it takes years of devotion the pathways of Consciousness, within ourselves, and within the Living Mysteries. Because the Gateways of Consciousness appear veiled to the Living Mysteries, most of us suffer the illusion of not being free, or able to access greater states of awareness. But, as so many mystery schools teach us, it is but an illusion, and we only suffer as long as we live in this veil of illusion.

No matter the amount of time it requires of us to pass through the veils of our own Consciousness, once we do, we are able to open the Gateways of Consciousness, to fundamentally any realms, at any time. The only requirement is that we learn how to gain that level of access within our own states of awareness, or consciousness, within. We can gain this access, to any realm, anywhere, anytime, such as right here in our own home or office.

The reality is, we do this all the time, regardless of our level of understanding or awareness. And, for a moment, I am going to digress away from the 'natural worlds' of which I have been speaking primarily. While the focus of this article is upon Gateways to the Greater Mysteries embedded within in the Earth, it also speaks to the Gateways, or Termas, of the Mind Realms. And, in order to truly understand the principals, we must first understand this: We constantly open the Gateways to Other Worlds.

The question then becomes, are we opening the Gateways to Joy or to Shame, the Gateways to Complete Blissful Unity or isolation and loneliness, the Gateways to Compassion and Unconditional Love or the Gateways to Hells built in fires of hatred, selfishness, anger, and greed? Are we, and are we ready to, open the Gateways to the Heavens of Universal Resonance of Harmony with All Life, experiencing, even, the unified states of consciousness we hear so much about these days, but, few, truly experience?

What we put our awareness upon, there we build or expend our energy and life force; there, we engage, truly, in the act of Creation. If we choose to expend our life force upon not-having-enough, versus the joy and gratitude of abundance, so be it, and so it shall be. If we choose to express ourselves in the demeaning flavor of not-being-good-enough; if we imagine the lessons of no-one-loving-us are true to the core of our being, instead of rejoicing in the purity and clarity of a Creation that supports, and is a part of, All Life, including our own, then, so be it, and so it shall be. It is our choice. And it is our Gateway that we choose to walk through.

Now, the Gateways of Heaven may be a little more challenging to walk through. One once stated it is like taking a rich man through the eye of a needle (though many do not realize this phrase refers to one of the narrow gateways of Jerusalem, called 'the Eye of the Needle,' where one would have to remove one's loads from a camel in order to pass. (This gives a very different perspective to the quotation.) Through releasing our burdens, our unnecessary, and non-serving loads, and focusing instead, upon clarity of purpose, and, purity of heart, one can make safe passage into all realms. But it can take some basic training and understanding to do so.

The Upper Gateways are clear and pure. Thus, we must clarify our minds and purify our hearts to align and attune with them, in order to make passage here. They do not allow safe passage with clutter and chaos. It is not allowed, and, in reality, is not even possible. For, the Higher Gateways, whether threaded through the Earth, or Mind Realms, are vibrational Gateways of Consciousness, which require us to attune to them, like vibrational states of clarity and joy, in order to make safe passage. And, from an esoteric perspective, they hold Guardian Beings who ensure the integrity of the Realms beyond those Gateways.

If you knock on the Gate, you must be prepared to answer to the Voice of a greater reality who asks, Who goes there and why? Who are you, and why are you here? Fundamental questions to the human experience, and fundamental to gaining access to the Greater States of Reality.

To be continued … stay tuned for more next month! 

Zacciah Blackburn

Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality.  His in-depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings and how to develop that nature. 

You can find out more about his and his partner Dorothy Stone's work at:

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