Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth

ancient wisdom Aug 28, 2024

Ninth Wave Arts welcomes Zacciah Blackburn of Sunreed, an accomplished and gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing, shamanic traditions and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally and practices in Vermont, USA, at Sunreed Center

We are sharing his wisdom through a series of articles. This one is continued from last month. Please check out our blog to see the ongoing series Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth.

Nature & Self-Revelation - The Great Work

by Zacciah Blackburn


The simple practice of going outside, immersing oneself in Nature, and finding Harmonic Resonance so prevalent there, invites us to embrace our authentic Divine Nature, finding Harmony of All Life supporting us. It becomes most easy to attune to, and enter into, those states of Harmonic Resonance, through, simply, being in Nature, as Nature's natural state is Harmonious.

This 'reminds' us, at a fundamental level, to enter this state. And, by being there, and allowing it, we 'entrain' to this Harmony. The Resonance of Nature, by the inherent principals of Harmony and Resonance, brings us into resonance and balance with it. The 'feel good' states, which most of us experience just by engaging in a day at an uninhabited beach, a day of hiking, resting by a waterfall, or a field of grass, teach us this.

By utilizing the conscious practices of entering Living Relations with the Earth, it enhances this even more.

Once we incorporate such practices as the "Awakening the Seed of Our Potential" (the Inka/Q'ero Karpay practices, which we teach at Sunreed Center), we have key clues and processes to enter into and sustain these awakened states of Harmony with All Life, integral to our own life. And, once we get this, we feel the visceral support of Life, rather than the tug and grind of living Out of Balance.

The Hopi, and many others, have told us, we stand perilously close to the brink of destruction, due to our actions Out of Balance as a race of Humanity. Their pre-Columbian prophesies speak very specifically to these realities, as do the prophecies of many indigenous cultures.

It is Time that we take Right Action, to re-enter these states of Grace and Harmony, available through simple exercise and mindfulness.

Even they say, it is doable and pivotable to enter these states at any time. It will determine the outcome for the next generation and the outcome of these Times of Great Awakening.

Self Revelation - The Great Work

Such practices, as the Three Hearts or the Hatun Karpay, and the many teachings of the Wisdom Schools of most cultures, shall lead into a place of self-revelation. Indeed, all authentic teachings are self-revelational in nature; meaning, that they, in and of themselves, will lead us into a place of self determination, of autonomy and self evolution, of guidance deeper into the Great Mysteries of Life, through the practices themselves.

They take us through the Gateways of Consciousness into the Greater Mysteries, to see what shall and can be revealed, at ever evolving levels of Consciousness.

The true teachings, by their very nature, regardless of which Wisdom School they arise from, gives us this gift, this quality.

The Authentic Teacher, by this very nature of authentic teachings, will dismiss his/her chelas, his students, as they enter these levels of self-revelation. By the offering of the Authentic Teachings, again, whichever school of Wisdom Teaching they arose from, the teacher gives the greatest gift to his/her students...that of guidance toward self determination, self revelation, and self evolution. One is no longer dependent upon the Teacher. The Mysteries guides us ever deeper into the Unknown, as we prepare ourselves for the Great Adventure, known also as The Great Work, the path to self revelation.

In this time of Great Awakening, this prophesied time of collective awakening, this becomes the greatest gift.

The prophecies tell us, one after the other, that is up to us to determine for ourselves, what this next world shall look like.

It is time we enter the age of self autonomy and self responsibility, as co-Creators, ready to work in Harmony with the fundamental principals of Life and Creation, and take full responsibility for the outcome of that which we choose, consciously, to Create. We must choose the path of self determination, in Balance, or Out of Balance.

By entering into Harmony with All Life, we find all of our actions, thoughts, and deeds, are in Harmony with that. It becomes more challenging to make a mistake. We do not have to worry, as we are self guided into Harmonic Pathways. And, we feel the support of this Universal Rhythm and Harmony.   

When we live in a place of imbalance and imperfection, it is much easier to create more of that same state. Indeed, that is the very way Creation works.

If we live from a place of our authentic Being, in Harmony with Life, our thoughts and actions are derived from that very state, and, thus, the outcome of our actions, also, reside in that fundamental Harmony.

To be continued … stay tuned for more next month! 

Zacciah Blackburn

Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in-depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings and how to develop that nature. 

You can find out more about his and his partner Dorothy Stone's work at:

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