Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth

ancient wisdom Sep 22, 2024

Ninth Wave Arts welcomes Zacciah Blackburn of Sunreed, an accomplished and gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing, shamanic traditions and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally and practices in Vermont, USA, at Sunreed Center

We are sharing his wisdom through a series of articles. This one is continued from last month. Please check out our blog to see the ongoing series Ancient Wisdom: Gifts of the Earth.

Gifts of the Earth: The Gifts and the Cities of Light Resonance

by Zacciah Blackburn

All states of consciousness are fundamentally Gateways into deeper states of the very nature of consciousness. Once we learn to enter into the Harmony through EarthWork, the Earth opens deep avenues and Gateways for us to explore.

Hidden, deep within these mysteries, are profound gifts of beauty and bounty that are inherent to the very nature of the Earth and Cosmos, from which they are derived. And, the hidden gifts of the Ancient Ones, who knew and drew prophesies to guide us today, in this new time of Awakening, are present here. They left gifts for their children, and grandchildren, many generations to come, in the Mind Realms and in the Earth Realms. Indeed, many who walk among us today are those "Ancient Ones", chosen to be reborn to assist in this time of Transformation.

Those who have joined us in the many practices we offer, worldwide, have found these many gifts abundant, whether traveling into the Realms of Mind, such as the Diamond Realms, or the Earth realms, exploring the nature of the Earth herself, as well as the hidden treasures left in the ancient architecture and Temple complexes of the Ancient Peoples of this Beautiful Planet. We are not necessarily finding the physical Termas, the ancient scriptures, though bountiful treasures have been found in carvings and stone.  But the etheric ones, we have found, are bountiful, such as the Gifts of Dabadi or the Keepers of the Calendar One and Two ancient Stone Temples guided us toward.

We, also, have found treasures beyond our wildest imaginations. The Gateways and Gate Keeper stories would fill a book.

Of our ancestors who came to the Americas, many were searching stories of hidden treasures. The Ancient stories say they built castles in the sky, and Cities of Gold, both literally and figuratively. But, the early explorers were thinking of and searching for the more literal castles, the physical fountains of youth, and Cities of Gold. As, they lived out of balance, out of touch with the Greater Truths, the Greater Joys and Gifts of Life, thinking abundance was a state of monetary wealth.

What we might look for are the subtle world realities, those not so dense as to be lost in thought of selfish venture or capital gain. The true worlds of the Cities of Light are far more subtle than that.

And, they exist.

Ancient cultures crossed the world, and either came to, or were part of, the Americas far before Columbus; the Kensington Stone, the Westmoreland Knight, Dighton Rock, Newport Tower, and Burnt Hill Stone Circle, are just a few of the many more recent mysteries still unsolved in this region of the US alone. Ancient writings throughout all of the Americas, Chinese and Egyptian artifacts, and the oral history of many of her peoples, speak to ancient times and civilizations modern science refuses to acknowledge could possibly have been here. The Stone Chambers, Standing Stone Circles, stone mounds, and many other human made stone sanctuaries exist in the hundreds from the Canadian Maritimes, to the Carolinas, and inward to the mound dwellers, along much of the Mississippi River Valley, many of its tributaries, sand beyond. The ancient copper mines are not known to be used by Native Americans of the region. Columns found underwater treasures off the coast of South America, pyramids found underwater in the Caribbean. Many Americans do not know an earth mound pyramid foundation remains in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, larger than the foundation of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. There are underwater temples off the coast of Japan. The evidence of 15,000 year old, and older, sites in Titicaca, Peru, in Turkey, and elsewhere on the planet do not align with modern views of history. Nor do the teachings of the knowledge the ancients hid in many of these sites. Alongside the teachings are not only methods of attaining the hidden mysteries in the subtle realms, but there remain many stories and mythos regarding the Living Cities of Light in relation to ancient and 'unknown' civilizations.

Known in some cultures as Shamballa, the Refuge of St Germain, and by many other names, the Cities of Light have been spoken of through many ages, in many cultures. They are real. At least some are, but cannot be seen unless we attain the very states of consciousness which contain them. We must be able to peer through the veils which separate us from those greater mysteries.  

They have become evident to us, and others in our practices, through listening to the body and Wisdom of the Earth and her allies, entering the levels of awareness and the practices she and those Allies guide us into. The Revelational States unveiled are, again, beyond normal cognition and cannot be done justice through normal language.

These levels of awareness were revealed to us in preparing for our "Awakening the Dragon" (now Temples of the Earth,) practices several years ago. They are available to us, still. Should we wish, in Right Relation, with Right Attitude, to enter into them.

There are many principals at play here. I will not offer them in writing. Though we are taught how to experience them in our practices. Sacred Sound is one principal that can assist in enormous ways to enter these refined states.

The Gifts reside in many realms of understanding. They have gone by many names.

In preparing for just one upcoming practice, The Diamond Light practice, I referred to many aspects of the inherent and/or hidden wisdom awaiting our discovery on the path to self realization, as specific to several cultures, including contemporary wisdom, though these borrow heavily from the Buddhist traditions:

  • The Diamond Light, the Diamond Realms, the 5 Realms, the Womb Realms, the Death Realms, the Bardos, the Light of Perfect Wisdom, the Truth Body, the Luminous Body, The Diamond Codes, the Divine Matrix, the Crystalline Codes, the Emerald Tablets, the Akashic Records, the Halls of Amenti, the Christ Grid

They hold enormous reverence and precious regard for life, and are keys to entering and attaining our own illumination. With precious attitude, in alignment with the fundamental resonance of life, we can enter into these precious states and receive the Gifts of Illumination which await us there.

To be continued … stay tuned for more next month! 

Zacciah Blackburn

Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in-depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings and how to develop that nature. 

You can find out more about his and his partner Dorothy Stone's work at:

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