Do you feel the call?

Celebrating Community: Cheryl Mulvihill

celebrating community Aug 28, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight

Those who participate in our MiddleWorld Mysteries program may have met Cheryl at one of our many community events. She has assisted programs and helped with special gatherings. Cheryl has volunteered at markets, helped supply energy and monies towards repair of our many cast iron benches, and has picked up and transported items for NWA worthy of use. She offered her time as a board member for the past year and volunteered at our boutique. In her life, she's a caregiver of many, family, friends, furry creatures and more. Thank you for your efforts Cheryl. We appreciate you.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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