Celebrating Community: Jessica Hibberd

celebrating community Jun 20, 2024

Volunteer Spotlight

If you've been a facilitator, volunteer, or vendor at any of our Ninth Wave Arts events, you've likely had a conversation with Jess. She has been handling our in-house program coordination and has been a solid part of the team at various offerings. She has assisted in classes and workshops, dealt with advertising, done laundry, cleaned washrooms, and lugged signage and furniture back and forth. Jess always has a smile, a calm demeanour, and a joyful presence. She brings ease to what she touches and truly believes in what Ninth Wave Arts is about. She lives the mission in her own life by way of her sacred approach to folk arts and magical living. She's a potter, an artist, a nature lover, a star gazer. a creative. She can help you at the boutique, teach you how to do that craft 'just so' and explain an inner star practice. We love you Jess! Thanks so much for all you do!

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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