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Celebrating Community: Melanie Paquette

celebrating community Jan 31, 2025

Volunteer Spotlight

If you’ve been to our space for a program, market or event, you’ve likely met Mel. She supports all things Ninth Wave Arts as a participant, facilitator, volunteer, board member and all ‘round enthusiastic believer in what we do around here. 

You might find her divining with tarot cards, talking to the dragon, considering the details of back-end computer platforms, tracking monies as treasurer, writing articles, assessing systems and media, taking out the garbage, dressing the stone cairns, offering her van Roxanne for outings or trudging through mosquitos or snow for moon practices. She’s known to surprise us with Lone Star fajitas or Timbits to keep the energy rolling. She is brilliant, earnest and indispensable and always up for anything that needs attention. We appreciate all you do, Mel! You elevate the scene and keep things rolling by your very presence. Thank you!

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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