Do you feel the call?

Claire's Corner: One and All

poetry Jun 20, 2024

Poetry from Claire Sylvan’s book, Turnings

One and All

Look around. See the beauty of us all.
We are so many faces, so many bodies.

We are the particular strands of a spider's web,
The scrape of rock, the dance of serpent,
The sinuousness of your hand.

Take it all in, all.
Listen, do you hear the many voices?
Do we not all want love, enough, shelter, joy?

Be the drop that overflows the ocean.
Be the mosquito that defies sleep.
Be the mouse that chews the fuse.

Join the wave of us all that sweeps away
Fear, hatred, isolation.

Be weaver. Be web. Be peace.

About Claire Sylvan

Born within earshot of the Atlantic, on the rugged westernmost coast of Cornwall, England, Claire has a deep affinity for rocks, water, and sacred places on earth.

Claire has lived, worked, and raised a family in Haliburton County amidst good kind friends for 35 years and 8 years in friendly Almonte. She and her partner, Bev, are known as "the Grannies" to an ever increasing population of wondrous children.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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