Claire's Corner: Reclaiming

poetry Sep 22, 2024

Poetry from Claire Sylvan’s book, Turnings


Even pavement has its lifespan, and one day,
Milkweed knows:
It is time.

Tiniest fragile root finds a crack in hard conglomerate,
Fingers down to softness, soil, moisture, O happy day!
Sends more and more roots grasping deep,
Then begins, cell by fragile cell
Lifting the road.

We create hard smooth surfaces designed for speed,
But milkweed has been around
A lot longer than asphalt, and knows
The irresistible power of unrelenting growth.

Those delicate fluid filled cells, obeying ancient code
Divide and grow, and divide again.
Each one so fragile, microscopic, yet
Together cracking and lifting that crust,
Reaching up and out, exuberantly leafing,
Offering sanctuary, nectar, nursery to Monarchs,
And finally, clouds of silky seedwings
To dance October’s winds.

About Claire Sylvan

Born within earshot of the Atlantic, on the rugged westernmost coast of Cornwall, England, Claire has a deep affinity for rocks, water, and sacred places on earth.

Claire has lived, worked, and raised a family in Haliburton County amidst good kind friends for 35 years and 8 years in friendly Almonte. She and her partner, Bev, are known as "the Grannies" to an ever increasing population of wondrous children.

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