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Divination: The Tone of the Day - Embracing the Spirit of Lammas

divination Jul 29, 2024

By Melanie Paquette

As the sun begins to wane and the first harvest approaches, we gather to celebrate Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh.

This ancient festival, steeped in folk wisdom and tradition, marks a time of gratitude for the bounty of the earth and the efforts of our labour. For this month’s divination, we’ll use the wisdom of numerology and the guidance of tarot to deepen our connection to Lammas.

Lammas has been fixed on the calendar as August 1, however, traditionally, Lammas is the date when the sun is at 15 degrees of Leo (in 2024, that’s August 6 - 7). For this divination, we’ll use the fixed calendar date.

To find the appropriate numerology, we add all the numbers of the date together, and keep adding until we get a single digit number.

For August 1, 2024:

8 + 1 + 2024 = 2033

Then, we need to reduce 2033 to a single digit:

2 + 0 + 3 + 3 = 8

Based on this, we’ll use the number eight as the key to our divination for Lammas.

Lammas falls in August, the eighth month of the year, and this year, the date also resolves to eight, giving extra emphasis to the power of this number.

In numerology, the number eight is powerful and transformative, representing abundance, strength, and the cyclical nature of life. It is a number that encourages us to balance material success with spiritual growth. As we reflect on the significance of eight, we can use this energy to guide our selection of tarot and oracle cards for our Lammas rituals.

For this reading, I’m using the Celtic Tarot and the Seasons of the Witch Lammas Oracle.

I’ve selected cards from those decks that are associated with number eight, or resolve to eight numerologically (cards numbered 17, since 1 + 7 = 8). Our cards for Lammas are Strength, the 8 of Wands, the Star, Community Service, and Farmhouse.

The Strength card embodies the inner power and resilience required to overcome challenges.

It reminds us that true strength comes from within and is often expressed through compassion, patience, and courage. As we celebrate Lammas, Strength encourages us to recognize and harness our inner fortitude, trusting that we can navigate any obstacles that come our way. This card is a beautiful reminder of the strength we draw from our connection to the land and our ancestors. It’s also a reminder that strength, like almost everything, is cyclical. When we find it difficult to find the strength we need within ourselves, we can turn to community to gain strength from the collective. In this particular deck, the symbol of Awen – three white lines near the top of the card – is present, reminding of the creative inspiration we can draw from strength and cycle. Strength is also the card associated with Leo. Lammas always falls within the astrological sign of Leo, making this card especially relevant for this divination. Leo is a fixed fire sign, reminding us that if we focus on our desires, we can see them manifested.

The 8 of Wands is a card of swift action and movement.

It signifies progress, momentum, and the culmination of efforts. As we approach Lammas, this card suggests that the seeds we have planted are now ready to bear fruit, and it is time to seize opportunities and act decisively. The 8 of Wands encourages us to embrace the flow of energy and to move forward with confidence, knowing that our hard work is paying off.

The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, and renewal.

It invites us to look beyond the present moment and envision a brighter future. With its association to Aquarius, The Star brings a sense of healing and spiritual guidance. During Lammas, The Star encourages us to reflect on our goals and aspirations, reminding us that even in times of transition, there is always a guiding light. It is a call to remain optimistic and trust in the journey ahead, knowing that the universe supports our dreams and intentions.

The Community Service card reminds us that when we gather in support of others, we can find healing for ourselves.

Lammas is a beautiful time to gather with community to harvest what has been planted and share the bounty of that harvest with those around us.

And finally, the Farmhouse card sums up the spirit of the entire reading – Lammas is a time to connect with ourselves, and with everything around us – other humans, the land, and the elements.

To integrate these tarot cards into your Lammas celebration, consider the following ritual:

  • Find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions.
  • Gather a tarot deck and oracle deck if you have one (or the image associated with this article), a journal, and any items that represent the harvest season (such as grains, fruits, or flowers).
  • Begin with a meditation to centre yourself and connect with the energy of Lammas. Visualize the sun setting on the fields, casting a golden light over the ripening crops. Feel the gratitude for the abundance in your life and the efforts that have brought you to this moment.
  • Focus on the energy of Strength, The Star, the 8 of Wands, the Community Service, and Farmhouse cards. Take a moment to study the images, reflect on the meanings, and how they relate to your life and the season. Write down your insights in your journal.
  • Light a candle to symbolize the light and warmth of the sun.
  • Focus on the energy of the Strength card and speak aloud an affirmation of your inner power and resilience.
  • Next, focus on the energy of The Star card and set an intention for your future, envisioning the fulfillment of your hopes and dreams.
  • Then hold the 8 of Wands and commit to taking swift and decisive action towards your goals, trusting in the momentum that Lammas brings.
  • Finally, focus your attention on the energy of the Community Service and Farmhouse cards, and consider how you can be of service to others and to the land during this season.
  • Close your ritual by expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life. Thank the earth for its abundance and the universe for its support. Blow out the candle, knowing that its light continues to shine within you.

May this Lammas bring you abundant blessings, renewed hope, and the courage to pursue your dreams.

Melanie hosts workshops and offers Tarot readings. Check out her offerings on our website.

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