Do you feel the call?

Artwork: Dragon Puri

art Dec 20, 2024

by Chantal Scott

We have been inviting folks to submit seasonal recipes, crafts, artwork, or articles for our monthly issues. Chantal, the creator of Dragon Puri, is our first guest.

This archetypal Dragon I call Puri is an essence within each and every one of us, wanting to further help us connect with our own divine power, deep love and true selves. This being reminds us each of our infinite melodies of intelligence and wisdom that sing from our hearts, as well as the sacredness of the natural world such as the Auroras, the Mountains and the Purity of the Water consciousness that commemorates our journey among and alongside them.

I invite the viewers to step into this realm where our physical and metaphysical being can bathe in this space, allowing these essences to purify our being as we continue to take steps towards our authenticity.

You can find more of Chantal Scott's creations at Temple of the Arts.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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