Folk Arts in Season: Faerie Door

crafting in season Apr 23, 2024
Faerie Door

European folktales tell us that the Fae (fairy folk) care greatly about the landscapes they live within.

They are happy to collaborate and cooperate with humans who also honour and care for those landscapes. If however humans don’t honour the shared landscape, the Fae can be tricky to deal with and will tend to keep clear of humans entirely. 

Beltane is one of the points of the year when the veils between the human world and the world of the Fae get thinner. This is a great time of year to connect to Fae folk by creating a craft that’s a gift in their honour: a faerie door.

Faerie doors can be a beautiful addition to your garden.

There are many ways to create them. This one is simple and satisfying. Enjoy!

Items needed:

  • Popsicle sticks (6 or 9)
  • Glue
  • Paint or stain
  • Sealant (if you desire)
  • Embellishments (like moss, sticks, dried flowers, stones, shiny things - which the Fae love!, etc.)


  1. Align a series of popsicle sticks together vertically. These become the beginning of your door.
  2. Use 2 or 3 popsicle sticks to go horizontally across the width of the others (measured and cut as appropriate), which holds the door together. Glue them on. 
  3. Paint or stain the door in whatever way you like or leave it natural.
  4. Add whatever embellishments feel good.
  5. Use sealant if you desire to make it more weather proof.
  6. Display your door in your garden or give it to a tree.


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