Do you feel the call?

MiddleWorld Mysteries in Motion: Anati Dabaka

middleworld mysteries Oct 30, 2024

One of our MiddleWorld Mysteries folk had a dream. In the dream, she was shown how to create a ‘soul pot’, a clay vessel meant to hold clay beads representing souls. Souls of those we knew well, those involved in the work of the MiddleWorld Mystery wisdom, who have died. We remember them, tell stories of them, and hold a clay bead within the pot in their honour. 

The instructions within the dream were clear. It was to be hand-built of granite clay and fired in a bonfire, in the old way. Beads were to be hand-built and strung around the vessels neck. The vessel itself was to be topped with a felted ‘crane’ bag (a story for another time). Those steps were followed, and Anati Dabaka (soul pot) came into being. A gift to community to hold all in remembrance, compliments of a dream. 

Tucked within the folds of Ninth Wave Arts programming is our MiddleWorld Mysteries -Druid Wisdom offering. This offering is more than a program. It’s a growing community remembering itself as part of cycle and the greater population of seen and unseen beings. We strive to have good relations with each other, the spirits of place, lineage lines and the ancient ones.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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