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MiddleWorld Mysteries in Motion: Brigid Candle

middleworld mysteries Jan 31, 2025

A Brigid candle is a symbolic candle used in the celebration of Imbolc, a Celtic festival that marks the midpoint between winter and spring, usually celebrated on February 1st. The candle represents the goddess Brigid, who is associated with fertility, healing, poetry, and fire. Brigid is honoured as a bringer of warmth, light, and new beginnings. Lighting a Brigid candle is a way to call in her energy and invite the renewal of life that Imbolc signifies. 

In our MiddleWorld Mysteries community, we honour Brigid year round. We transfer the flame of each candle to the next, as they burn down, continuing the lineage of candles from the first that came our way, which was lit off Brigid’s flame in Kildare, Ireland.

We choose beeswax for our candles and care for our Brigid candles in a special way, treating them with respect, as they are not just a source of light, but also a spiritual tool. We sing specific songs and save the remnants of wax from each candle to use in the creation of sacred fire starters. 

Many have birthed their own Brigid candles from the flame of the candles in our care. Brigid Blessings to all!  

Tucked within the folds of Ninth Wave Arts programming is our MiddleWorld Mysteries - Druid Wisdom offering. This offering is more than a program. It’s a growing community remembering itself as part of cycle and the greater population of seen and unseen beings. We strive to have good relations with each other, the spirits of place, lineage lines and the ancient ones.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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