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My Grandmother's Recipe: Grandma Shirley's Rhubarb Pie

recipes in season May 27, 2024

by T.C.

At this time of year when rhubarb grows, you gotta enjoy it! My grandma Shirley would always have some freshly picked and cleaned rhubarb stalks at the ready with a bowl of white sugar nearby. I remember dipping those stalks in sugar and munching down on the perfectly tart flavour. We were never allowed a lot since grandma always said raw rhubarb was meant to be eaten sparingly, and so it became a cherished treat. Rhubarb has many healthful properties, and when cooked, can be enjoyed multiple ways. This recipe is an old-timey version of rhubarb pie. It’s quick, perfectly ‘custardy’, and doesn’t require a pie crust because the flour sinks and does the job naturally. 

Her recipe went like this … 

350 degree F oven

9” pie plate 

Spread Butter all over that 9” pie plate

Pour chopped Rhubarb (a couple cups cut up in smallish pieces) into that 9" buttered pie plate

Blend the following together for one minute, whistle or sing while blending (or use a food processor):

Eggs (4-5 eggs, depending on size of eggs)
Vanilla extract (a dash)
Milk (3/4 cup-ish)
Flour & Sugar (more sugar than flour, 1 cup combined)
Salt (1/2 tsp)
Baking powder (1/2 tsp)

Pour over rhubarb

Bake for 40-45 minutes. Test center with toothpick - keep cooking until it comes out clean. 

Cool completely before serving and enjoy!

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