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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Cheryl Gorman

artisan vendors Jan 31, 2025

Cheryl is a Sacred Practice Guide, Spiritual Medium and Community Change Facilitator. She is a fourth-generation Settler on Turtle Island, born on the Canadian Prairies and raised across Canada, and currently lives in Ottawa. She has immersed herself in the Irish Indigenous and Celtic culture and spirituality of her ancestors for as long as she can remember, including a recent trip to Ireland’s sacred sites. She has studied and practiced nature and ancestor-based spirituality intensively for the past twenty years. Cheryl approaches her art in a sacred way, conscious of the power of intentional expression and the magic that happens when we embrace imperfection. Her encaustic art pieces demonstrate her intuitive approach, as well as her love of making things that are practical and honour key moments in time. (Encaustic wax, Mixed Media, Handmade Journals and Beeswax Wraps.)

The Ninth Wave Arts Boutique is open and filled with treasures from artisans and travelling souls. 

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