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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Melanie Paquette

artisan vendors Jan 13, 2024
Tree of Life Gemstone Pendants

Mel makes magic.

Specifically the kind of magic that you can wear every day, and that serves as a reminder to step back from the daily nonsense and bullshit, and remember that you are amazing, this too shall pass, and things will be fine. Magical even. Mel’s jewelry is magical. It can transform an outfit; it can express a feeling; it can make you feel safe and protected, or adventurous and bold. Jewelry is a physical reminder that magic is real. Things have power because you believe that they do. Everything Mel designs reminds you to believe in your power and your own magic.

The Ninth Wave Arts Boutique is open and filled with treasures from artisans and travelling souls.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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