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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Volunteer Artisans

artisan vendors Nov 29, 2024

A few times a year, we gather willing hands together to craft many an item related to the work of Ninth Wave Arts. These treasures are made in cycle and at times of potent energies of the moon, sun and season. We forage, collect leavings from sacred fires, save waters from special gatherings, rummage for ingredients that inspire, and pour our creativity and love into what we make. Ritual bath salts, anointing oils, crystal dust, herb packets, fire starters and more, all contain the joy of community crafting together, the strength of helping hands, and a little magic! Some items always remain available, others come and go with the changing tides.

The Ninth Wave Arts Boutique is open and filled with treasures from artisans and travelling souls. 

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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