Do you feel the call?

Ode to the Land: Big Sky

ode to the land Oct 30, 2024

By Kristine Karpinski

We’ve been treated to some pretty incredible phenomena over the last while. Supermoons, asperitas clouds, Aurora borealis, and meteor showers have all graced the sky. It’s been a time to look up and send the gaze wide in an effort to receive the whole scene.

A celestial reminder of the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding, encouraging us to expand our vision and dream.

The full moon at this time of year always casts a beautiful silver glow, illuminating the landscape, inviting introspection, as it becomes more visible through the branches that have let go of their leaves already. It helps us remember what autumn is about, the great letting go, urging us to release what no longer serves.

This energy of letting go is crucial as we prepare for the stillness of winter.

With all that wonder in the sky, it’s been hard to know where to fix attention, but the wild turkeys have kept us from getting too attached to the sky view. It turns out all those little chicks in the spring made it through the summer and are now wandering together as a group of nine. They are following the same circuit of travel that their mom took them as chicks. They emerge from the forest, take time to explore the field, make their way to the yard and side forest, then strut along the backyard to the side and back out in front. This is home to them. And they are eating the grubs and ticks as they go.

Their presence is a reminder of the power of community, resilience and consistency.

Foxes have also been about, their striking red fur more visible than usual against the hues of yellow, red and orange. They’ve started preparing for winter, leaping in the leaves catching voles and feasting for a thicker coat, sly and resourceful, but also playful and energetic.

They tell us to make the most of the season.

Surprisingly, deer are showing themselves early this year, grazing in the field and around the edges of the forest, perhaps an indication that winter weather is closer than we think? A good sign to consider preparations. The days are growing shorter and cooler, and the energy is shifting. Samhain marks the threshold between the harvest and winter, embodying the duality of life and death, the seen and unseen.

It’s a time to honour your strengths, gather your resources, embrace the shift and also remember to look up every once in a while, to dream and wonder about the big sky and the bigger story.

Kristine hosts a variety of offerings - Sound Nidra, Mystery in Motion, etc. Check them out on our website.

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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