Ode to the Land: Look to the Sky, and ...

ode to the land Aug 28, 2024

By Kristine Karpinski

Reflecting back a few months ago brings memories of the incredible colours held within the flowering trees. Now, it’s as though those same colours have leaked from the trees and moved themselves into the sky. 

The winds, warmth, rain, and shifting season have offered gifts of spectacularly coloured skies both day and night.

The trees have become densely dressed in green, bringing attention to all the other hues expressing a palette filled with deep beauty.

Those dressed trees, with their thick heavy foliage, are also wreaking havoc on wifi signals. It’s amazing to experience how a single well-dressed tree can interrupt the effort of multiple human-made towers and satellites. When wifi is out, it simply gives us more time to look at the skies.

Along with the skies, this past month has also brought bellies! Frog, squirrel, and fox bellies have all been part of the daily view.

Frog belly messages began one warm night after the departure of an evening group. While closing up the space, something cast a strange shadow on the glass of the front door. On approach, it became clear it wasn’t a shadow. It was a frog; a fairly sizeable one. It had leapt up and landed itself like a suction cup on the door itself. It was stuck to the glass, legs spread wide in all directions and belly pressed flat to the glass. As it literally ‘hung out’ there, it feasted on mosquitos within reach. This has become a common scenario, and now we’re more surprised if we don’t see them stuck there in the later evenings.

Squirrels, on the other hand, have been pressing their bellies to anything cool they can find. Grounding their core, resting, legs spread wide just like the frogs, increasing their connection to surfaces. They nibble on whatever is near while they linger that way. 

Foxes have been doing the same, but since they are bigger, they send a more obvious message of keeping the belly grounded. It’s not clear if they’re looking for warmer or cooler places, as they seem to like both the sun and the moon in their travels. We noticed one not long ago, feasting on a mouse while sitting like that.

It seems the messages from the land these days are ‘look to the sky and keep the belly grounded while feasting on the harvest of what’s available’.

Kristine hosts a variety of offerings - Sound Nidra, Mystery in Motion, etc. Check them out on our website.


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