Ode to the Land: Messages

ode to the land Sep 22, 2024

By Kristine Karpinski

Raven has been showing up these days, bringing the message of change and transformation just in time for the transition of the season.

Fall equinox is clearly upon us. 

Don’t let the illusion of a prolonged summer fool you. Although warmer days have greeted us in the morning, the cooler nights and shuddering buildings (from temperature shifts), tell us we’re heading towards the darker time of the year. 

Raven can be one of the messengers that makes us pause. Sometimes considered a symbol of shadow and hidden wisdom, the Raven might feel intense, and for some that may be so when autumn makes its landing. Ravens can bring dreaming time to the darkness. Equinox signals the halfway point of light and dark in the wheel of the year - a moment of perfect balance. In this time of balance, we recognize we'll now be stepping more fully into the darkening time of year. A good time for Raven.

The beauty of fall comes with the knowledge that winter is around the corner. The critters are letting us know this. The coyotes have made the circuit from the valley and are returning to the ridge, offering their song plentifully again in the night. Deer, also returning from summer places, are heard walking in the evening with familiar snapping branches. Chippies are gathering their stores, getting prepared to put claim to winter hibernation holes. Mice are busy-ing themselves in car engines, keeping warm and trying to nest (unsuccessfully). They all remind us it’s the changing light that notifies the shift, not the temperature.

Frog has also stayed present these days, another messenger of transformation and change. Continued from last month, it’s not uncommon to see bright green frogs hanging out glued to the building, offering extra splashes of colour to the already shifting hues of yellow, orange and red leaves. The leaves are changing in small batches, which almost startle against the remaining backdrop of forest green trees; those frogs are helping reflect autumn’s natural expression.

Mama squirrel has also been busy nursing a new litter of babies. Four black baby squirrels in total, growing quickly and exploring every climbing surface with unstoppable bravery. They need to get their skills developed before deep fall and winter happens.

If the season could speak, it might say … 

Let the Raven guide your way, inviting awareness to what may not be obvious in this transition. Let frog teach you how to stay steadfast, sustaining through transformation, holding on in a grounded way. Let squirrel encourage you to stay curious with the joy of a beginner’s mind. 

Kristine hosts a variety of offerings - Sound Nidra, Mystery in Motion, etc. Check them out on our website.


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