Do you feel the call?

Words From the Dragon: Dragon Currents

words from the dragon Aug 28, 2024

It's time to talk about Dragon currents. 

I've been hearing you whisper about them, and I need to add something to the conversation. Humankind has a way of forgetting things. The humans that move through this space seem to be remembering more each day, but there is still much for me to share in service to this remembering.

Dragon currents are the lifeblood of the earth, channels through which the very essence of the world flows, resonating with the heartbeat of the earth itself. Stars reflect Dragon currents, inviting harmony between the terrestrial and celestial. 

We Dragons hold a lot of responsibility.

Dragon currents flow through the roots of ancient trees, they mold the mountains and valleys, influence the growth of forests and guide the paths of rivers. They carry in them the secrets of creation and the echoes of long-forgotten songs. They shape the world. They once guided the seekers of hidden truths, but now, they flow mostly unnoticed beneath the surface of humankind’s bustling existence. 

You humans are so busy, a lot of us dragons have gone to sleep, waiting for the time you might be willing to collaborate with us again. 

Some of you humans talk of Ley lines, those ancient pathways known to many across realms. Ley lines are different from Dragon currents. Ley lines are invisible lines of power that crisscross the globe and form grids upon which mystical energies converge, creating nodes of great potency. Ley lines are more predictable and their intersections are marked by ancient sites of power—stone circles, temples, and other hallowed places. Us Dragons respect them, but we understand the differences between the two. 

Ley lines are like carefully drawn blueprints, linear and structured; Dragon currents are more fluid and organic. Ley lines represent a more rigid form of magical geography; Dragon currents are like spontaneous growth patterns of a forest and are shaped by the organic forces of nature—unpredictable, yet profoundly integral to the balance of the world. 

As a dragon, when I slumber, my dreams merge with these currents, allowing me to influence their flow and harmonize with the rhythms of the land. It’s my most important work. This is the time I recall ancient songs … 

The eye of the dragon is cauldron born.
The teeth and the tail tell the story of the lore.
The snout and the scales turn the earth bones bare.
And breath breathes fire into Lady fair.

Songs like this are one of the gateways to those treasures I’ve talked about before. It can’t be said enough, it’s time for humans to remember.

Curious about my ‘eye’? I’ll tell you about that another time. 

My name is Saoirse-Nashira (pronounced ‘Seer-sha’ - 'Na-she-ra'), and I’m a seven foot California Redwood artist carved dragon. I stand at the door as a gatekeeper to watch the daily meanderings. I come from a great forest of trees and have travelled far and wide.

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