Do you feel the call?

Words From the Dragon: Draco

words from the dragon Jun 20, 2024

Summer solstice is here, and my constellation Draco, which means dragon, is very visible now. 

Alpha Draconis, also called Thuban, one of the stars in the Draco constellation, used to be the pole star. It was the star that the Egyptian pyramids and other sacred sites from ancient times were aligned to. Remember I told you before, us Dragons know a treasure when we see one? Our Draco constellation has been keeping tabs on those ancient places for a long time. 

Thuban was a better pole star than Polaris, the pole star now (if I do say so myself). In its time, Thuban was very precise in its alignment with the north celestial pole, but because the earth wobbles on its axis (that’s a whole other story to tell), the alignments change and now Polaris is the closest match. Thuban was much more accurate. Us Dragons know what we’re doing when it comes to keeping things in order. And just so you know, us dragons will be coming back. Thuban of Draco will be the pole star again in about 20,000 yrs. 

We’re patient, us Dragons, so we can wait for our time to return. 

The Draco constellation has all kinds of great things happening in it, including the Cat’s Eye Nebula, the Draco Dwarf Galaxy, the Tadpole Galaxy and others. We aim to get along with all the other beings of the sky. And we don’t just inhabit the sky, we inhabit the earth with our dragon currents. Some of you humans might call them ley lines or fairy paths, others may say spirit or song-lines, but to me and the old ones they are the dragon currents. They have connections to the sky. 

Why am I telling you this? To keep you busy with some deep thinking while the longest day of the year takes its time. After that, the dark begins its slow return, and you can know that us Dragons have your back. 

We’ve been watching the turn of cycles for a long while, and I've been watching you in recent days.

Lately, I’ve noticed you humans getting more serious about the scene here, you’ve been calling in some star transmissions in some of your gatherings. Keep your ears open to Draco, you might hear messages coming your way.

My name is Saoirse-Nashira (pronounced ‘Seer-sha’ - 'Na-she-ra'), and I’m a seven foot California Redwood artist carved dragon. I stand at the door as a gatekeeper to watch the daily meanderings. I come from a great forest of trees and have travelled far and wide.

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