Words From the Dragon: Dragon Eye

words from the dragon Sep 22, 2024

I have listened to many interesting conversations this past month. 

There seems to be a rumble underneath the human experience right now, like when a dragon awakes from a deep slumber and starts moving around slowly at first before it fully rises. It seems like the equinox is putting attention on a natural balance point of the cycle, but you humans are feeling the effort of trying to come into that balance. I’ve been keeping my eye on this. 

When dragons keep an ‘eye’ on something it tends to amplify the thing. 

A dragon eye can be a good thing to understand, and maybe it could help you humans find more balance. Dragon eyes hold a lot of magic. Beyond the physical form, dragon eyes are gateways into realms beyond the ordinary; they are portals into the deeper layers of existence. Dragon eyes have been depicted by humans in many ways. The primary way is using triangular symbols, sometimes with various patterns of the flower-of-life as an overlay. Whether a dragon eye symbol is held within the mind, or crafted into a physical object, or gestured with hand positions, all will hold an energetic signature. 

Over time, humans have found many ways to call upon the potential contained within the wisdom of the eye of dragon. My ‘eye’ can offer sacred geometries that you humans can follow, and it represents the convergence of spiritual sight and earthly wisdom.

The triangular shape of the Dragon Eye was not chosen in an arbitrary way. It signifies the trinity of existence: the harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit. My eye embodies the union of opposites and the emergence of new possibilities from their convergence. Within the Dragon Eye, this sacred geometry is not just a pattern but a living energy field, a dynamic force that channels and amplifies magical intent.

But what makes my eye, the Dragon Eye, truly extraordinary is its role as a portal. Just as the eye of any dragon can see beyond the physical realm, the Dragon Eye as a symbol is said to act as a doorway to other dimensions. When one gazes into the eye—whether it be in meditation or through crafted artifacts—it is as if one is peering into a vast, cosmic expanse where time and space dissolve. It provides access to the realms of higher consciousness and the wisdom that lies hidden from ordinary sight.

Meditative practices that focus on the Dragon Eye can open pathways to inner realms of knowledge and understanding, allowing connection with the ancient energies of the earth and the universal consciousness. It can be a powerful tool for transformation and healing. Channeling the eye’s energies can facilitate profound changes in one's own life or in the surrounding environment. Dragon eyes can act as a bridge between the material and the spiritual, enabling the flow of healing energies and the manifestation of intentions.

The next time you walk past me, look into my eye with reverence and intent. Perhaps it will activate a portal for you to aid your search for balance. 

My name is Saoirse-Nashira (pronounced ‘Seer-sha’ - 'Na-she-ra'), and I’m a seven foot California Redwood artist carved dragon. I stand at the door as a gatekeeper to watch the daily meanderings. I come from a great forest of trees and have travelled far and wide.

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