Do you feel the call?

Words From the Dragon: Good Things Come in Three's

words from the dragon Oct 30, 2024

Recently, I was treated to a massage and a walk, followed by a tarot reading. The evening started with me getting slathered in mineral oil, every inch fussed over. I suppose even a dragon carved from the mighty redwood needs a little pampering now and then. The oil, rich and nourishing, seeped into my being, revitalizing not just my surface but my spirit in a bond of reciprocity.

I did feel refreshed after, but honestly, I’ve stood tall through storms and time itself watching humans for generations, with no need of a massage before.

As if that wasn’t enough for one day, I was also ‘taken for a walk’ so to speak. One of you humans decided to hold awareness of my energy and connect me to the stars with intention. Ah, dragon star energy. I watched through the window as one of you humans went out into the field, with awareness of me and my energy, opened your arms wide and pulled down the stars into the earth as if calling down the moon itself or trying to catch a celestial fireball! I could feel it through my tree bones. The energy moved through into the soil. The human looked so proud like they'd just unlocked an ancient secret! I’m here to tell you, this energy flows all the time, whether you humans are paying attention or not. It’s just the earth and sky chatting through my dragon current. Sometimes, I just have to let you humans remember and enjoy the wonder of it all.

After all, what’s a dragon for if not to watch over humans as you all discover the magic that’s always been here?

A tarot reading came next, as if the cards would have some insight that I don’t already possess. Ah humans, your enthusiasm is charming, and I don’t mind encouraging it, so I obliged putting my awareness into the question asked “what will the Samhain tide bring?” 

You humans do love your rituals.

The one doing the reading had me hold the cards before drawing three of them, laying them in the shape of my eye, asking the questions, squinting at the symbols, exclaiming over the fact that the cards drawn were numbers 6, 9, and 12 – as if any other combination of numbers would have been possible when reading for a dragon. I’m always fascinated by how you humans seem amazed and delighted when the magic you so desperately seek turns out to be real …

If only you could just have faith. Perhaps in time, with my guidance, that will come to be. 

Of course, I don’t need cards to tell me that the Samhain tide will bring what it always brings … change, mystery, shadows, and a little bit of chaos. The veil is thin, and the Otherworld is practically knocking at the door. It’s the dance of life and death that always happens at this time of year. Nothing that would surprise a dragon, but humans do love a bit of drama, especially at this time of year. I’m feeling quite relaxed after the massage and ‘walk’ and since I’m growing fond of the humans here, here’s a little gift for this Samhain tide – a dramatic interpretation of my own. 

Samhain tide brings the thinning of veils, a time when what is hidden reveals itself.

The cards spoke to me not of endings, but of beginnings wrapped in shadow. There are whispers from the Otherworld, and I feel them coiling like smoke around my wings. What Samhain brings for me is a journey into these veils, where I may watch and guide, as my role as gatekeeper asks of me.

The stars move closer to the earth in this time; watch them, for they dance not just for the living.

Let’s see what you humans make of that!

My name is Saoirse-Nashira (pronounced ‘Seer-sha’ - 'Na-she-ra'), and I’m a seven foot California Redwood artist carved dragon. I stand at the door as a gatekeeper to watch the daily meanderings. I come from a great forest of trees and have travelled far and wide.

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