Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about?  

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin. 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasures are the little things that happen in between the moments.

Celebrating Community: Jerry Karpinski

Volunteer Spotlight

You may have caught sight of Jerry making his way around the buildings and grounds. He’s our resident spirits-of-place caretaker. He’s just as likely to be shovelling snow, clearing ice from the roof and raking leaves, as he is to be caring for the long forgotten...

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Celebrating Community: Stephanie MacGregor

Volunteer Spotlight

Steph has been on board with Ninth Wave Arts from early days, offering her expertise from the non-profit and communications sector. She was willing to take the numbers in hand as Treasurer up until this past November, and now continues to offer help in many ways as a member at...

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Celebrating Community: Sue Gerber

Volunteer Spotlight

Sue has been offering her hands and heart to Ninth Wave Arts from the beginning. Whether you’ve bumped into her chopping wood, cleaning out the composting toilets, moving sacred stones around on the tractor, carrying the trash, or washing the dishes, she’s been...

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Celebrating Community: Evelina Proeva

Volunteer Spotlight

If you’ve registered for a program, needed help at the boutique, or had an email exchange with us, you’ve likely encountered Evelina. She’s our everything lady! She’s been a board member of Ninth Wave Arts from the very beginning and is always ready to...

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Celebrating Community: Meaghan Guthrie

Volunteer Spotlight

Meaghan has been bringing her incredible powers of manifestation to our Seasonal Artisan Markets and Celebrations from the beginning of Ninth Wave Arts. She's been on hand to help with MiddleWorld Mysteries (Avalon inspired) events with sturdy support at the ready. She was a...

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Stay in touch

We most happily keep you informed of upcoming events and wisdom that wants to be shared.