Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about? Ā 

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin.Ā 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasuresĀ are the little things that happen in between the moments.

Ode to the Land: Star-Tracks

By Kristine Karpinski

These lighter days and bright starry nights have brought increased activity from all the critters here.

Foxes playing in the snow in twos. Racoons playing follow-the-leader in family lines. Woodpeckers, mourning doves, blue jays and other winged ones gathering as a chorus of...

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Ode to the Land: The Squirrel, the Cat and the Spider

By Kristine Karpinski

A red squirrel showed up in early January, working hard to gather nest materials from a roll of animal-friendly burlap that was simply too big for her to maneuver successfully. She pulled and wrestled with the roll, making many effortful attempts to no success.

She was...

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Ode to the Land: Snow and Silence

By Kristine Karpinski

I watched the turkeys the other day as they ran proudly across the newly snow covered field.

There were twelve in total, all trying to win the race from the big cedar to the big pine and back again as if passing messages from one tree to the other. Tight on their tails were...

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Ode to the Land: Secrets and a New Home

by Kristine Karpinski

The season of change is upon us.

As the leaves fall and the ground goes to cold, we find ourselves well in step with the cycle with a change of our own! We are now at home in our new digs at 4596 Carp Road, tucked in well on the land here, with blessings from the...

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