These teachings take us down the Druid path, back to the old ways of community, sovereignty, connection to land, cycle and dreaming.
We travel the song lines to the un-authored places, walking the pathways to places of old in the folds between ordinary and non-ordinary worlds, including Avalon, inviting doorways to open to the mystery realms where liminal voices whisper for us to remember.
We invite Spirits of Place, the Old Gods and the Ancestral Ones to join us on our journey as we awaken the cosmological trinity and land our feet in both worlds, a heart bridge in service to healing.
Unearth the mysteries of the storied lands, discovering ancient wisdom, lore and the cauldrons of the soul; a possible answer to what you may find yourself yearning.
We move by way of oral tradition, and though there are many books to support our work, participation, experience and community collaboration allow for the most growth and learning. We find our way together, inviting an organic quality to our meandering as we move along the spiral line.
Come with an open heart and mind, ready to consider the old meanings of commitment, community, and sovereignty.
Be ready to build your own MiddleWorld support 'kit' of activities and items. This will include personal healing practices, journalling, 'dreaming', crafting various items, including garb & accessories, reading lore and getting to know the cycles of nature, moon, and sun.

This is a ...
Druid path - Avalon journey - Shamanic practice
Community endeavour - Healing opportunity
Our learnings cover her/history, story, song, healing practices, divination practices, breath work, journey work, folk craft, land skills, and much more.
We develop relationships with the Otherworld and find our own guides and our own way through the mysteries.
These teachings have been carried along from lineage lines of wisdom teachings, source cosmologies, community remembrance and reclamation. We engage both ordinary and non-ordinary realms. We move through cycle and watch for signs that tell us what teaching to bring forward next.
Those guiding you bring years of experience, expertise and wisdom forward, so you can find yours!
Do you feel the call?
Three Year Program.
Commit to one year at a time.
Offered Online & In-Person.
A three year journey that can continue into a lifelong experience.
Three years gives us three opportunities to travel through cycle together. Three years of seasons, moons, stories, practices, sharing and learnings. Each time we spiral ‘round, we deepen our connection to the MiddleWorld territory, settling the work in blood, breath and bone.
Yes Please!
1st Cycle (a year and a day)
Remembering the Story
Be guided by those with more experience to learn the cosmology and teachings of the MiddleWorld tradition.

2nd Cycle (a year and a day)
Walking the Path
Step into deeper teachings and MiddleWorld relations, and embody the practices.

3rd Cycle (a year and a day)
Awakening the Dream
Come into service to your own growth and the MiddleWorld energies. Discover your inherent story and skills.
Registration for the upcoming cycle is now open!
Cost should not be prohibitive to attending. We work very hard to make the program accessible to all who have interest. Please inquire.

MiddleWorld Mysteries - Druid Wisdom Program - 1st Yr Cycle
TUESDAY EVENING COHORT - Begins APRIL 29th, 7-9pm - Runs weekly for a 'year and a day'
$2,100.00 CAD

MiddleWorld Mysteries - Druid Wisdom Program - 1st Yr Cycle
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON COHORT - Begins APRIL 30th, 1-3pm - Runs weekly for a 'year and a day'
$2,100.00 CAD

MiddleWorld Mysteries - Druid Wisdom Program - 1st Yr Cycle
ONLINE THURSDAY MORNING COHORT - Begins MAY 1st, 9-11am - Runs weekly for a 'year and a day'