Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about? Ā 

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin.Ā 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasuresĀ are the little things that happen in between the moments.

Ode to the Land: The Year of the Raccoon

By Kristine Karpinski

Summer nights and mosquito song have carried us through July. 

Warm rain and spectacular storms have kept the power flickering on and off on this land and in turn offered unexpected pauses. Wasps are rounding out the corners with their paper nests. Garter snakes are...

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Words From the Dragon: Here There Be Dragons

One of you humans walked by me the other day, and I heard you say ’here there be dragons’.

You were referring to me. This took me back to times long ago. In Ancient times, this reference of ‘here there be dragons’ meant the places no human had mapped yet. The unknown...

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